Lectors of the Word must have, foremost, a love of scripture within their own personal lives. Once they already have a special love for reading and reflecting on the Word, it is an easy step to proclaiming the Word within the community.

Lectors must take the time for private preparation of the particular passage of the Word before proclaiming it. Good speaking skills are required so that the message of the Good News can be proclaimed clearly and meaningfully. A workbook that contains the year’s cycle of readings as well as suggestions to proclaim the Word well is provided. Before beginning this ministry, lectors prepare a reading and practice in the church to become comfortable with the setting.

As ministers of the Word, one is called not to be just functionaries to pronounce the words aloud, but to be true ministers called from among the people of God to become bearers of the Word, lovers of the Word, and caretakers of the Word.

If you feel you would truly love to proclaim God’s Word to many who only read or hear scripture at mass on the weekend, then, by all means, the Ministry of Lectors would love to welcome you to the ministry here at St. Elizabeth Seton.

New lectors will, first of all, meet with the facilitator of the Ministry of Lector for a short (about 25 minutes) orientation session. New lectors will be asked to read and perhaps given some advice on their reading. They will be given two books which will help them greatly in their ministry if they read them. New lectors will then be put on the schedule. The main thing the Ministry of Lector requires is that the new lectors practice, practice, and practice the reading for the Saturday or Sunday for which they are assigned until it becomes a part of them.

Contact Deb Rzepczynski at (219) 988-3996.