When a parent(s) wishes to have a child baptized, contact is made with the Parish Office and an appointment is made with the Pastor. The purpose of the interview is to share the joy of the birth of the child, to discuss the baptismal guidelines of the Catholic Church, which involve the parents, the child, the godparents, and the parish community, and to obtain the informational details.

Parent(s) who have a good awareness of their faith, who gather with the community regularly for worship, and who proclaim faith in Jesus by their words and actions are then asked to attend a session of Baptism Preparation. At this informational session the parent(s) are asked to think about what all is involved in their decision to have their child baptized. Then the ritual of Baptism as celebrated at St. Elizabeth Seton parish is explained. Parish celebrations of Baptism at the Eucharist are on the third weekend of the month, exclusive of Advent and Lent. Finally, the date, time and mode of Baptism are established.

The Ministry of Baptism Preparation consists of lay people who work with the priest and deacons in preparing parents for the baptism of their child [ren] who have not yet reached the age of seven.

The Baptism Ministry Team facilitates Baptism Preparation Sessions throughout the year. The Baptism Ministry Team helps parents and godparents come to a deeper understanding of their own baptism; and how the effects of the paschal mystery of Jesus, incorporates us into the mystical body of Christ. Parents and Godparents receive instruction in the importance of the commitment they are making to God, the community and their child [ren] in accepting the responsibility to bring their child [ren] up in the practice of the faith. The team also helps parents understand the role and requirements for godparents and Christian witnesses. They help familiarize participants of the class in the celebration of the Rite of Baptism within the parish and the scheduling of the celebration of the sacrament.

Register for Baptism