Divorce and Beyond is a ten-session program for those who suffered a loss in a marital relationship. It provides the opportunity for men and women to share their emotions, experiences and to gain insight on the grieving process of a divorce from the initial stress, anger, and guilt, to regaining balance, forgiveness, and growth.
During the sessions, members work through the process of divorce: self-image, stress, anger, blame, guilt, and loneliness and work toward the process of forgiveness and growth. The text Divorce and Beyond, which is Catholic based, was written by James Greteman and Leon Haverkamp and later revised by Elise Radtke. The goal is not to give advice to those in the group but through the sharing that takes place to help them realize where they are in their journey and to help them move forward toward their own personal healing. Those that are eligible to join this confidential group are men and women who are either divorced or separated or beginning the divorce process.
Divorce is a difficult process, but many have moved beyond the cycle of anger and grief to discover “new life”.