The Gospel in Action
I was Hungry, I was Thirsty, I was a Stranger, I was Naked,
I was Sick, I was in Prison and YOU CARED!
The purpose of the St. Vincent De Paul Society is to fulfill the two greatest commandments: Love of God and Love of Neighbor.
Vincentians are not professionally trained social workers; they are people with the desire to serve as Jesus served:
There are three types of membership:
Active: participants in meetings and activities
Associate: “on call” to help
Contributing: regularly or in a substantial way provide financial support but do not engage directly in the work of the Society
The work of the Society is primarily centered on food deliveries to the needy throughout the year. A food pantry is maintained in the parish building. Organized food distribution occurs at Easter and Christmas. During the Christmas season, the entire parish participates in the Giving Tree. Members also participate actively with St. Paul’s Clothing Center where donated clothing and household items are provided for those in need.
Our regular parish envelopes include one designated for the society’s work. These funds help to pay for rent, mortgages, utilities, prescription drugs, auto repairs, food, clothing and miscellaneous items needed by the poor.
Any member of the parish community who wishes to help the poor and the distressed through visits to homes and institutions is encouraged to join the St. Vincent de Paul Society as an Active or Associate member. Please call us at 219-464-1624 ext. 250.
We are always looking for items and supplies to fill our pantry….
Items we are in need of:
- Toliet Paper/Paper Towels/Tissues
- Laundry Soap/Dish Soap/Bar Soap
- Toothpaste/Toothbrushes
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Canned Goods: Veggies and/or Fruit